Ministry of Environment
EcoCat:The Ecological Reports Catalogue
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Report: Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI) For the East Gate, Otter Lakes and Chain Lakes areas Regional District of Okanagan South (RDOS) (aka Princeton SEI)

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This is a Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory (SEI) mapping project for Area H of Rural Princeton in the Regional District Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS). Three areas of interest were mapped using standard SEI methodology (RISC 2006), East Gate, Otter Lakes and Chain Lakes. A field survey of 15% of the mapped areas was completed using DTEIF (1998) standards. Mapping is presented at 1:10,000 scale. Species at risk were identified and their potential habitat was related to the sensitive ecosystem classes.

Author:  Timberline Natural Resource Group Ltd.

Old Reference Number:  4898

Old Reference System:  BAPID

Date Published:  Aug 2009

Report ID:  17976

Audience:  Government and Public

The primary objective of the mapping is to provide baseline information to direct land use planning for parts of Electoral Area H by the RDOS. The products include sensitive ecosystem maps, interpretative maps (which identify some of the Federal Species at Risk that are known or presumed to use the ecosystems), a report identifying the methods, descriptions of the ecosystems, associated species at risk, results and conservation and management recommendations. BGC units mapped include IDFdk2, IDFxh1, IDFdk1, MSdm2, IDFxh1a, IDFdk2b, and MSmw1. The sensitive ecosystems mapped include Broadleaf and Coniferous Woodlands, Seasonally Flooded Fields, Grasslands, Mature Forest, Riparian, Sparsely Vegetated, and Wetlands. Approximately 25% of the total area mapped was classified as belonging to a sensitive ecosystem. Conservation measures suggested for these areas include careful planning, sensitive ecosystem buffers, avoiding direct impact by development, restoration of natural disturbance regimes, and reduction of wildfire threat.

Report Type
  Terrestrial Information
  Amphibians & Reptiles - Gopher snake: Pituophis catenifer
  Amphibians & Reptiles - Painted Turtle: Chrysemys picta
  Amphibians & Reptiles - Rubber Boa: Charina bottae
  Amphibians & Reptiles - Western Rattlesnake: Crotalus viridis
  Amphibians & Reptiles - Western Toad: Bufo boreas
  Birds - American Avocet: Recurvirostra americana
  Birds - American Bittern: Botaurus lentiginosus
  Birds - Barn Swallow: Hirundo rustica
  Birds - Bobolink: Dolichonyx oryzivorus
  Birds - Brewer's Sparrow: Spizella breweri
  Birds - Burrowing Owl: Athene cunicularia
  Birds - Flammulated Owl: Otus flammeolus
  Birds - Grasshopper Sparrow: Ammodramus savannarum
  Birds - Gray Flycatcher: Empidonax wrightii
  Birds - Lark Sparrow: Chondestes grammacus
  Birds - Lewis' Woodpecker: Melanerpes lewis
  Birds - Peregrine Falcon: Falco peregrinus
  Birds - Prairie Falcon: Falco mexicanus
  Birds - Sage Thrasher: Oreoscoptes montanus
  Birds - Sandhill Crane: Grus canadensis
  Birds - Sharp-tailed Grouse: Tympanuchus phasianellus
  Birds - Short-eared Owl: Asio flammeus
  Birds - Swainson's Hawk: Buteo swainsoni
  Birds - Western Screech-Owl: Otus kennicottii
  Birds - White-headed woodpecker: Picoides albolarvatus
  Birds - Williamson's Sapsucker: Sphyrapicus thyroideus
  Biogeoclimatic Zone - IDF Interior Douglas-fir Zone
  Biogeoclimatic Zone - MS Montane Spruce Zone
  Fish Species - Chiselmouth: Acrocheilus alutaceus
  Invertebrates - Aquatic
  Invertebrates - Terrestrial
  Mammals - Badger: Taxidea taxus
  Mammals - Bighorn Sheep: Ovis canadensis
  Mammals - Fisher: Martes pennanti
  Mammals - Grizzly Bear: Ursus arctos
  Mammals - Spotted Bat: Euderma maculatum
  Mammals - Townsend's Big-eared Bat: Corynorhinus townsendii
  Mammals - Wolverine: Gulo gulo
  Region - Okanagan
  Terrestrial Information - Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory (SEI)

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