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Report: Assessment of the 2009 outmigration of Coho salmon smolts from the Englishman River

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The current program contributes to a series of studies that has assessed the overall coho smolt production in the Englishman River and quantified the portion originating in constructed and natural off-channel habitats. The 2009 coho smolt outmigration from the Englishman River was assessed through a mark-recapture program conducted between April 20 and June 11

Author:  Taylor, J.A.; Wright, M.; J.A. Taylor and Associates Ltd.;Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Date Published:  Aug 2010

Report ID:  23751

Audience:  Government and Public

Coho juveniles, migrating from the Clay Young side channel, were enumerated at a counting fence and a number of these fish were marked on each of 8 occasions, representing 5 temporal strata, during the outmigration. The movement of smolts from the Englishman River, including marked fish, was monitored using a rotary screw trap (RST) fishing in the lower river. The overall efficiency of capture during the study was 6.7%, higher than that recorded at this site in the previous year of this program. Total smolt production in the Englishman River system in 2009 was derived using a stratified Petersen estimator, with pooling of individual strata estimates due to significant temporal variation in capture probabilities. The estimate for the Englishman system was 85,467 (95% CI 78,241- 92,692). The count of coho juveniles originating from the side channel, adjusted to incorporate that portion not sampled by the counting fence, was 36,100 individuals. This represents an unprecedented contribution of 42% of total production from the side channel. This project was funded by the Oceans, Habitat and Enhancement Branch of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the BC Living Rivers Program

Report Type
  Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information
  Fish Species - Coho Salmon - Oncorhynchus kisutch
  Region - Vancouver Island
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Stock Assessment
  Watershed Groups - 920 - Vancouver Island (East) Rivers

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