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Report: Watershed Level Fish Passage Assessments Chilliwack Area Strait of Georgia Business Area, BC [PSCIS700]

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LBIS# 11250-85_EN12TCF055 Forsite consultants was retained to complete fish passage culvert inspections throughout several watersheds around Chilliwack, BC; in total eight watersheds were assessed. Each stream crossing structure was evaluated to determine fish passage potential. The eight watersheds were tendered out in two groups of four: Tender A: Wahleach Creek, Cogburn Creek, Tretheway Creek and Trio Creek. Tender B: Bremner Creek, Statlu Creek, Bear Creek and Tipella Creek,

Author:  Forsite

Date Published:  Feb 2012

Report ID:  42992

Audience:  Government and Public

A total of 103 crossing structures were found to require inspection. Of those, sixty-one were close bottomed structures (CBS), thirty-four were open bottomed structures (OBS), and 8 were Other (i.e. Fords). 539 km of road were anticipated for inspection, and 547 km were available including new smaller roads. Group A included 47 CBS, 15 OBS, and 7 Others. The average fish passage score for CBS here was 25, and all but one CBS structures required replacement or were potential barriers. The average HGI for group A was 0.29, indicating very little additional habitat was available upstream of the crossing locations. Group B included 14 CBS, 18 OBS, and 1 Other. The average fish passage score was 28 on the CBS in this group, and they all were scored as potential or total barriers to fish passage. The average HGI for group B was 0.68, indicating little additional habitat was available upstream of the crossing locations.

Report Type
  Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information
  Region - Lower Mainland
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Culvert Fish Passage

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