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Report: Elk River Tributaries EIA - 2016; CB16-235734

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Fish sampling to support planning and permitting for a proposed mine.

Author:  Masse Environmental Consulting

Date Published:  Aug 2016

Report ID:  52717

Audience:  Government and Public

Waterbodies sampled include Hornickel Creek (349-248100-72400), Bingay Creek (349-248100-70800), Lowe Creek (349-248100-69300), Forsyth Creek (349-248100-73200), Unnamed Stream (349-248100-72600) and Unnamed Lake (00078ELKR).

Report Type
  Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information
  Fish Species - Brook Trout - Salvelinus fontinalis
  Fish Species - Bull Trout - Salvelinus confluentus
  Fish Species - Mountain Whitefish - Prosopium williamsoni
  Fish Species - Westslope Cutthroat Trout - O. clarki lewisi
  Region - Kootenay
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Impact Assessment
  Watershed Groups - 349 - Upper Kootenay

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