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Report: Limiting Factors, Enhancement Potential, Conservation Status, and Critical Habitats for Arctic Grayling in the Williston Reservoir Watershed, and Information Gaps Limiting Potential Conservation and Enhancement Actions

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The aim of the report is to identify and prioritize knowledge gaps on a watershed-by-watershed basis, to facilitate a quicker transition to on-the-ground conservation and enhancement actions for Arctic Grayling populations.

Author:  Stamford,M.; Hagen, J.; Williamson, S.

Old Reference Number:  CO85734

Old Reference System:  FWCP Fish Wildlife Compensation Program - Peace

Date Published:  Apr 2017

Report ID:  52757

Audience:  Government and Public

FWCP strategic objectives. The FWCP Streams Action Plan (FWCP 2014) identifies two over-arching strategic objectives for the conservation and enhancement of Arctic Grayling and other priority fish species in the upper Peace Basin: 1. Maintain or improve the conservation status of Arctic Grayling populations. 2. Maintain or improve the integrity and productivity of Arctic Grayling habitats. This study was initiated by FWCP to evaluate the existing knowledge base relative to these strategic objectives, and fulfill objective 1b-1 of the Streams Action Plan: Review existing information (including provincial management plan), summarize status and trends of Arctic Graying and its habitats, undertake actions that are within the FWCP scope and lead directly to the development of conservation and enhancement actions, and develop a costeffective monitoring program to assess status and trends. The study has two components to provide guidance to grant seekers wishing to submit Arctic Grayling monitoring projects through the FWCP's annual intake of grant applications. This report is the first of these components, and presents extensive background information from past studies of Arctic Grayling in the Williston Reservoir watershed, and from the scientific and management literature. The aim of the report is to identify and prioritize knowledge gaps on a watershed-by-watershed basis, to facilitate a quicker transition to on-the-ground conservation and enhancement actions for Arctic Grayling populations. The second component of this study is a more concise companion document, FWCP Arctic Grayling Monitoring Framework for the Williston Reservoir Watershed (Hagen and Stamford 2017), which provides a condensed list of recommended monitoring needs for implementation in the near term.

Report Type
  Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information
  Fish Species - Arctic Grayling - Thymallus arcticus
  Region - Peace
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Enhancement Assessment
  Watershed Groups - 230 - Peace River

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