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Report: Portage Creek Chinook Conservation and Enhancement COA-F20-F-3021

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Portage Creek Chinook are classified under the Government of Canadas Wild Salmon Policy as a vulnerable single site Conservation Unit. This stock has had diminishing returns for approximately 20 years. The current adult Chinook returns are likely insufficient to maintain the population. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) anticipates that this population will become extinct over the next two generations without intervention, resulting in the loss of a genetically unique Conservation Unit.

Author:  Michael Thom

Old Reference Number:  COA-F20-F-3021

Old Reference System:  FWCP - Fish Wildlife Compensation Program Coastal

Date Published:  Feb 2020

Report ID:  58708

Audience:  Government and Public

With support from BC Hydros Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP), DFO proposed strategic enhancement of this stock for a minimum of one generation (five years) to support preservation and rebuilding of this population and its unique genetics, while further investigating the limiting factors contributing to the population decline. This project is aligned with FWCPs Bridge-Seton Watershed Action Plan priority action BRG.ALL.SB.04.02: Implement high priority habitat and/or species-based actions for fish and/or wildlife. DFO staff from Tenderfoot Creek Hatchery and Regional Headquarters, in collaboration with St at imc Eco-Resources Ltd., conducted broodstock collection activities from October 15 through October 28, 2019, which resulted in the first ever successful spawning of Portage Creek Chinook. A total of 12 females and 25 males were spawned, for a total egg take of 54,300 eggs and an average fecundity of 4,525 eggs/female. Offspring (approximately 4,000 fish) from a female which screened low-positive for Renibacterium salmoninarum (the causative agent for Bacterial Kidney Disease) were released as fry on Feb 19th, 2020. The remaining 48,000 Portage Creek Chinook fry on hand at Tenderfoot Creek Hatchery are scheduled for release as yearling smolts in spring 2021. Discussion on specific details surrounding rearing and release strategies are ongoing at this time.

Report Type
  Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information
  Fish Species - Chinook Salmon - Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
  Region - Thompson-Nicola
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Conservation Biology
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Enhancement Assessment
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Habitat and Stream Assessment
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Research
  Watershed Groups - 100 - Fraser

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