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Report: Evaluation of Current Westslope Cutthroat Trout Hybridization Levels in the Upper Kootenay Drainage Final Report UKE-F19-F-2682

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This report summarizes the findings of the multi-year (2014 to 2019) project studying hybridization between westslope cutthroat trout and rainbow trout in the Upper Kootenay watershed.

Author:  Heather M Lamson

Old Reference Number:  UKE-F19-F-2682

Old Reference System:  FWCP - Fish Wildlife Compensation Program Columbia

Report ID:  58888

Audience:  Government and Public

Through partnership funding from the Columbia Basin Trust (the Trust), Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations this project focussed on determining current hybridization resulting from interbreeding between introduced rainbow trout and native WCT in the Upper Kootenay watershed. A total of 2,549 tissue samples from trout captured within the BC distribution of WCT were genotyped using Single Nucleotide Polymorphic loci (SNPs) or Rad Capture (Rapture) techniques. Of these, 1,711 were within the Upper Kootenay Watershed. Samples were analyzed at the Montana Genetics Conservation Lab (MGCL). Only WCT genotypes were detected in 18% of the sampled sites, while another 58% of the sites had WCT allele frequencies of 0.990 or higher. High rainbow trout admixture rates were detected in sites near Whiteswan Lake, in its Outlet Creek and in the White River near where Outlet Creek meets the river. Sample collections from tributaries directly connected to Koocanusa also showed high RBT admixture (Sand Creek, Lower Elk) as did sites near Koocanusa, and low in the watershed (Wildhorse, Lower St. Mary). Hybridization rates were compared between thirty-seven sites in the Upper Kootenay repeatedly sampled from 1986 to 2017 and are presented in this report. Temporal comparisons were made between two of the sampling years where historic (sample years between 1999 and 2007) and contemporary (sample years between 2014 and 2017) rainbow trout admixture levels were compared. Generally, since the early 2000s, hybridization rates have remained static or decreased at most sites. Five sites showed significant increased rates of hybridization (Upper Kootenay River, St. Mary River, Palliser River, Lower Sand Creek and the North Fork of the White River). Levels of hybridization significantly decreased at ten sites (Lower Bull, Lower Lodgepole, Lower Elk, Caven, Lower Gold, Lower Mather, Lower Bloom, Mid Michel, Upper Gold and Lower Morrissey). Fifteen sites showed no significant changes and six sites remained unhybridized.

Report Type
  Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information
  Fish Species - Cutthroat Trout (General) - Oncorhynchus clarki
  Fish Species - Rainbow Trout - Oncorhynchus mykiss
  Region - Kootenay
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Conservation Biology
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Research

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