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EcoCat:The Ecological Reports Catalogue
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Report: Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory: Lake Country, 2005

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  • SEI Map  Graphic representation of SEI map with legend  (pdf/7.2 Mb)
  • TEM Map  Graphic respresention of TEM map with legend  (pdf/8.1 Mb)
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The Lake Country SEI was initiated in 2004 to provide information on rare and fragile ecosystems for sustainable land use and development planning. Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) provides the base to develop SEI and WHA theme maps. The project covers private land, provincial parks, regional parks and provincial crown land within the central Okanagan Valley of south-central British Columbia.

Author:  Iverson, K. and P. Uunila

Old Reference Number:  4271 SEI, 4272 WHA

Old Reference System:  BAPID

Date Published:  Feb 2006

Report ID:  7443

Audience:  Government and Public

This report includes Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping with SEI and WHA themes for the District of Lakes Country in the central Okanagan valley. The area covers 12,330 ha. The District of Lake Country includes the ridge between Okanagan Lake and the valley containing Kalamalka and Wood Lakes, Winfield, and the west-facing slopes above Winfield and Wood Lake. This area lies within the Thompson Plateau, a subdivision of the Interior Plateau Physiographic Region, in the Southern Interior Ecoprovince and includes the PPxh1, IDFxh1, IDFmw1 and MSdm1 Biogeoclimatic subzones. Reporting is in three volumes: TEM report includes Terrestrial Ecosystem, Terrain, Terrain Stability, and Surface Erosion Mapping and Expanded Legend. WHA report includes habitat summaries and species models for eleven wildlife species at risk in BC. SEI report provides information to help conserve and protect remaining sensitive and important ecosystems.

Report Type
  Terrestrial Information
  Amphibians & Reptiles - Gopher snake: Pituophis catenifer
  Amphibians & Reptiles - Painted Turtle: Chrysemys picta
  Amphibians & Reptiles - Western Rattlesnake: Crotalus viridis
  Birds - Grasshopper Sparrow: Ammodramus savannarum
  Birds - Long-billed Curlew: Numenius americanus
  Birds - Swainson's Hawk: Buteo swainsoni
  Birds - Western Screech-Owl: Otus kennicottii
  Birds - Yellow-breasted Chat: Icteria virens
  Biogeoclimatic Zone - IDF Interior Douglas-fir Zone
  Biogeoclimatic Zone - MS Montane Spruce Zone
  Biogeoclimatic Zone - PP Ponderosa Pine Zone
  Mammals - Badger: Taxidea taxus
  Mammals - Spotted Bat: Euderma maculatum
  Region - Okanagan
  Terrestrial Information - Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM)
  Terrestrial Information - Wildlife Habitat Ratings (WHR)
  Terrestrial Information - Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory (SEI)

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