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Recovery Plan for Crumpled Tarpaper (Collema coniophilum) in British Columbia B.C. Ministry of Environment
Abstract: Crumpled tarpaper (Collema coniophilum) is a gel lichen with a leafy thallus (1.5-2.5 wide) bearing several broad, mostly rounded lobes that are thickened towards the tips. Thalli have a dark olive green to blackish brown upper surface, and a dark olive green to pale olive beige lower surface. The upper surface is sparsely covered in low blisters that become networks of narrow folds. The lower surface may bear tufts of tiny white hairs. Crumpled tarpaper was designated as Threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) as it is endemic to Canada, is restricted to trees in old-growth forests, and has a narrow distribution. Crumpled tarpaper is declining as a result of ongoing loss of old-growth forest. It is also expected to be listed as Threatened in Canada on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA). In British Columbia, crumpled tarpaper is ranked S1 (critically imperiled) by the Conservation Data Centre and is on the provincial Red list. The B.C. Conservation Framework ranks crumpled tarpaper lichen as a priority 1 under goal 1 (contribute to global efforts for species and ecosystem conservation). Recovery is considered to be biologically and technically feasible. The recovery (population and distribution) goal is to maintain stable or increasing populations throughout the species range in British Columbia. Recovery objectives for this species include: 1.To ensure long-term protection for the known populations and habitat of crumpled tarpaper. 2.To conduct targeted inventory of suitable habitat (e.g., in Interior Cedar–Hemlock and Sub-Boreal Spruce biogeoclimatic zones). 3.To implement appropriate site management at all known locations. 4.To fill knowledge gaps on the environmental requirements and life history of the species (in particular lifespan, nutrient regime, and microclimatic requirements) for successful recolonization and maintenance of the species with respect to land management activit
B.C. Ministry of Environment. 2013. Recovery Plan for Crumpled Tarpaper (Collema coniophilum) in British Columbia. Province of BC
Topic: Recovery Planning
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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