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STIM User's Manual (for trembling aspen) Version 3.0 de Jong, R.J.
Abstract: The Windows version of STIM for trembling aspen (WINSTIMA) integrates a graphical user interface with a FORTRAN computational program. The interface, written in Microsoft Visual BasicTM, is a true Windows application that is linked to the underlying FORTRAN code. The user controls the model through the Windows interface. Example displays from WINSTIMA are included throughout this manual. Since some displays may have been taken from different versions of WINSTIMA, the output may not always agree exactly with your display output. The current version of WINSTIMA has been calibrated for both natural and thinned stands of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) in Canada. Detailed stand descriptions calculated by WINSTIMA are for stands with top heights of 12 m or greater. All data are entered and reported in metric units, and all ages reported are total ages.
de Jong, R.J., Zumrawi, A-A.M.; Boudewyn, P.; Flewelling, J.W.. 1996. STIM User's Manual (for trembling aspen) Version 3.0. British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. FRDA Research Report. FRR253
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Growth, Yield
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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