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Puntzi Watershed Restoration Plan Robertson, Chad
Abstract: This Puntzi lake Stakeholder Consultation and Watershed Restoration Plan was prepared by DWB Forestry Services Ltd, on behalf of Tolko Industries Ltd. Cariboo Woodlands, to assess the hydrolic stability of the Puntzi Lake watershed and the effect of any instabilites pertaining to water quality/ quanitiy and fisheries values. During initial stages of the project, all available fisheries/ watershed information such as technical reports, sampling data, watershed data, maps and images were collected with assistance from regulatory agencies and industry. The materials were reviewed by the project team during an exhaustive scientific literature review. Upon review of the materiel, the Puntzi Lake watershed was divided into four distinct Sub-basins, starting at the bottom of the drainage (Puntzi Lake-Sub-basin 1) to the headwaters region (Sub-basin4) for preentation within the Watershed Restoration Plan. Existing hydrological, morphological and fisheries characteristics were assessed to determine relative health of each specific Sub-basin individualy and as an entire watershed unit. Conclusions were drawn based on specific variables/ limiting factors indentified within each Sub-basin. Sub-basins were given a priority status/ ranking for future restoration works based on the limiting factors identified within. From this ranking, specific areas for future restoration works/assessments were recommended such as: -Beaver dam removal to allow fish passage to upper reaches of Puntzi Creek -Installation of a water release facility (dam) on outlet of Fit Lake -Fish passage culvert inspection at all road crossing locations with Sub-basin1 -Puntzi Creek fish habitat assessment -Puntzi Creek Flow Assessment. As part of the overall assessment of the project area, stakeholders from a variety of sectors including government, industry, First nations, and residents were contacted to provide insight into issues or concerns relating to fhiseries and water quality within the Puntzi Lake watershed.
Robertson, Chad, Laframboise, Jesse; Taite, Keith; Cheung, Emily; Aitken, Brian. 2009. Puntzi Watershed Restoration Plan. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Land Base Investment Program. Forest Investment Account Report
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Forest, Investment, Account, (FIA), British, Columbia
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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