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Induction of dormancy in container-grown western hemlock BC Forest Service - Research Division

Abstract: Container-grown western hemlock seedlings at forest nurseries tend to continue their growth well into the winter season and as a result they are still in a succulent condition when they are harvested. The seedlings also become over-sized if they have to be retained in the nurseries for a lengthy period. Succulent seedlings often show an inability to withstand harsh conditions associated with transportation, cold storage, or planting out in the field. Over-sized seedlings are not only difficult to handle, but the dense foliage creates a humid microenvironment favoring Botrytis infection. A preliminary study was undertaken to assess the effect of plant growth retardants and inhibitors on the induction of dormancy in container-grown western hemlock seedlings from Duncan Forest Nursery. Three retardants (CCC, Phosphon-D and Ethrel) and two inhibitors (MH and TIBA) at four concentrations were used to, spray on the dry foliage of seven-months old seedlings. Reduction of vegetative growth and bud dormancy. was obtained by treatments with MH and Ethrel, but not by CCC, Phospon-D and TIBA. Both MH and Ethrel treatments resulted in dark green foliage and suppression of shoot elongation and shoot dry matter production. In contrast to Ethrel, MH caused extensive damage to foliage and developing shoots. Detailed information on this subject may be obtained by writing to the Information Division, B.C. Forest Service, Legislative Buildings, Victoria, B.C. V8V 1X5 for Research Note No. 73 by Kin-Hah Cheung titled, "Induction of dormancy in container-grown western hemlock: effects of growth retardants and inhibitors." [Abstract contains full text of memo.]
BC Forest Service - Research Division. 1976. Induction of dormancy in container-grown western hemlock. British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. Research Memo (FLNRORD). RM4
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: FLNRORD, Research Memo, British Columbia
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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