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Effectiveness monitoring report on instream works/restoration completed under past FRBC restoration activities within the Nahatlatch River Watershed 2003: high water evaluation Roy, Thomas
Abstract: Cascadia Biological Services was retained by Teal Cedar Products Ltd. to begin a detailed effectiveness monitoring assessment of a wetland identified through past assessment and projects as the Nahatlatch River Wetland Complex. The assessment monitored changes to fish and fish habitat associated with high water levels. A key purpose of this project was to monitor the effectiveness of instream works completed during the 2001 fall field season which focused on the creation of Coho salmon rearing habitat. Recommendations to improve upon the constructed/restored channels include the following: 1) Conduct an assessment to determine proper channel connectivity between Wetland #3 and Reach 1 of ILP#00002 as well as proceed with instream works following the assessment. 2) Increase overall length, width and depth in Reach 2 of ILP#0001. 3) Continue with existing effectiveness monitoring assessments.
Roy, Thomas, Cascadia Biological Services. 2003. Effectiveness monitoring report on instream works/restoration completed under past FRBC restoration activities within the Nahatlatch River Watershed 2003: high water evaluation. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2003MR052
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: effectiveness monitoring, stream, fish habitat
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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