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Nahatlatch River 2003 effectiveness monitoring report on instream works/restoration completed under past FRBC restoration activities within the Nahatlatch River watershed 2003 high water evaluation: project completion abstract Roy, Thomas
Abstract: The overall objectives of this project were to monitor instream works initiated over the last two years on a section of the Nahatlatch River identified as the 37-42km wetland complex. Effectiveness monitoring techniques were to include the use of standardized fish and fish habitat forms to quantify/qualify the amount of fish habitat created as well as continue with photo point monitoring on all reaches to provide photographic evidence on seasonal/yearly changes to the resource. The Nahatlatch River is approximately 85 km in length and drains a mountainous watershed of approximately 130,000 ha located Northwest of the town of Boston Bar, BC. The river is a tributary of the Fraser River and provides migration, spawning, and rearing habitat for several salmonids, including chinook, coho, pink, sockeye, steelhead, rainbow trout and bull trout. The drainage has been impacted by past logging practices, and was in recent times the subject of several studies including, but not limited to various fisheries biophysical assessments (Chew & Pederson 1998, Roy 1999, and Griffith 1995). The 37-42 km site derives its name from the kilometre marks on the Nahatlatch FSR (forest service road), and encompasses the lowermost section of Reach 4 of the Nahatlatch River (reaches according to Griffith 1995). It includes a floodplain wetland complex consisting of multiple side channels, oxbows, abandoned channels, lakes, beaver ponds, and marshes. The boundaries of the site, for the purpose of this proposal, can be defined as the floodplain on the right bank of the Nahatlatch River from the confluence with Nahatlatch Lake (downstream) to the line between the north-west end of the alluvial cone of Unnamed Creek (WSC 100-170100-37800, a.k.a. Teapot Creek) and the Nahatlatch FSR.
Roy, Thomas. 2003. Nahatlatch River 2003 effectiveness monitoring report on instream works/restoration completed under past FRBC restoration activities within the Nahatlatch River watershed 2003 high water evaluation: project completion abstract. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2003MR099
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Riparian, Areas, British, Columbia, Management, Forest, Investment, Account, (FIA), Fish, Populations
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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