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Abstract / Details
Long-term soil productivity study in lodgepole pine forests in the MSxv and SBPSxc subzones Wei, Adam (Xiaohua)
Abstract: This on-going study is an integral part of the Caribou Habitat Project in the Cariboo Forest Region. A long-term trial including five blocks and four treatments (loading levels of woody debris) at each block has been established and monitored in lodgepole pine forests since 1996. The objective of this study is to evaluate impacts of woody debris loading levels on long-term site productivity. We have successfully conducted the field measurement of the planted seedlings. The preliminary data analysis continues to show that woody debris plays an important role in establishment and growth of the planted seedlings in the long-term trial. It also shows that woody debris may be more important in creating microclimates than providing nutrients in the early growth of seedlings. However, nutrients can be an important factor for pine growth in the longer term. The project has received excellent support and collaboration from Ministry of Forests and forest industries. The 5-year funding from the BC Science Council for this project was initially approved in 2001. Because this is the final year under the FII, the continuation of the monitoring of this long-term experimental trial is crucial for understanding the long-term yield sustainability in lodgepole pine forests. We have submitted a FII research proposal (2003/2004) for conducting the 7th year monitoring and robust statistical analysis for sustainable forest practices. Xiaohua (Adam) Wei.
Wei, Adam (Xiaohua), WWW Eco-Resource Consulting. 2003. Long-term soil productivity study in lodgepole pine forests in the MSxv and SBPSxc subzones. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2003MR236
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Coarse, woody, debris, Pinus, Contorta, British, Columbia, Growth
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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