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Wildlife trees and coarse woody debris: baseline data and procedural considerations for the Fort Nelson TSA Silvicon Services Inc.
Abstract: In its Sustainable Forest Management Plan (SFMP) for the Fort Nelson TSA, CanFor has identified specific measures and targets for maintaining habitat structure in harvest areas. In this plan, standing dead trees (snags) and coarse woody debris (CWD) are used as quantifiable measures of habitat structure. The report provides baseline data on CWD and standing dead stems. The baseline information was compiled from timber cruise and Vegetation Resource Inventory (VRI) data collected from areas with biogeoclimatic zones applicable to the Fort Nelson SFMP. The baseline data was compared to other data compiled from a broader base of research projects. This report also provides operational guidance on pre-harvest and post-harvest procedures relative to the maintenance and retention of CWD and wildlife trees. Recommendations have been suggested relative to the proposed targets in the Fort Nelson SFMP, existing and Draft Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and reviewed research. Recommendations regarding the field testing of proposed procedures have also been included. by Silvicon Services Inc. and Manning, Cooper and Associates Ltd.
Silvicon Services Inc., Manning, Cooper and Associates Ltd.. 2006. Wildlife trees and coarse woody debris: baseline data and procedural considerations for the Fort Nelson TSA. Forest Investment Account (FIA) - Forest Science Program. Forest Investment Account Report. FIA2006MR006
Topic: FLNRORD Research Program
Keywords: Forest, Investment, Account, (FIA), Sustainable, Forest, Management, Plans, (SFMP), BC, Coarse, woody, debris
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ISBN:  English Name: 
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