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Bioengineering Techniques for Streambank Restoration. A Review of Central European Practices Donat, Martin
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Abstract: The use of plants for river bank protection and erosion control has a long tradition in Europe. Recently, these old soil conservation and stabilization techniques have been rediscovered and improved. These biotechnical engineering (bioengineering) techniques are summarized here. Developed by a system of trail and error, most of these techniques are based on long-term practical experience. These “soft” engineering practices can provide possibilities to complement, improve or in some cases even replace traditional “hard” river-training constructions, such as placement of gabions or rock. These also offer a more ecologically acceptable way of bank stabilization that still compiles the land use and safety requirements. After a brief introduction to biotechnical engineering, the role of plants in riparian zones, their contributions to bank stability and plant-induced changes to flood run-off are discussed. The main part of this review is a detailed description and discussion of the most important biotechnical ...
Donat, Martin. 1995. Bioengineering Techniques for Streambank Restoration. A Review of Central European Practices. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Watershed Restoration Project Report. WRPR02
Topic: Watershed Restoration Program
Keywords: bioengineering, restoration, river, stream, bank, stabilization, plants, riparian
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
Other Identifier: Ministry of Forests
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