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Boreal Chorus Frog (frogwatch factsheet) Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection
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Abstract: Boreal Chorus Frogs are the smallest frogs in B.C. Adults have a body length of less than 4 centimetres. Chorus Frogs have a long body and comparatively short legs; their long straight toes have small, indistinct toe pads, and the webbing is only along the base of the toe. These frogs may be almost any colour, including grey, tan, brown, red, olive, or green. A well-defined dark stripe runs along the side, from the tip of the nose through the eye to the groin. Three darkcoloured, irregular stripes, often broken or blotched, usually run along the back. The skin on the underside is granular and pale, sometimes marked with a few dark spots on the throat and chest.
Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection. 2002. Boreal Chorus Frog (frogwatch factsheet). Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection. BC FrogwatchFactsheet. 12
Topic: Conservation & Management (Wildlife, Fish, Plant)
Keywords: boreal chorus frogs, fact sheet, yellow-list
ISSN:  Scientific Name: Pseudacris maculata
ISBN:  English Name: Boreal Chorus Frog
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