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Economic Values and Impacts of Freshwater Sport Fishing in British Columbia Stone, Michael
Abstract: British Columbia freshwater results of the 1985 National Survey of Sport Fishing in Canada were used to determine angler expenditures, economic impacts of these expenditures on the BC economy, and the net economic values that British Columbians derived from the freshwater sport fishery during 1985. It is estimated that anglers spent a total of $303.5 million in pursuit of their sport in BC during 1985. Of this total, $144.1 million was spent on direct angling expenditures and $159.4 million on capital equipment purchases attributable to sport fishing. Of the $303.5 million total, 86% was spent by residents of BC and 14% by nonresidents. Economic impacts were estimated using the angler expenditure data and the BC Input-Output Model. It is estimated that angler expenditures during 1985 supported 5238 person years of employment, $110.5 million of household income and $174 million of provincial gross domestic product. In addition, it is estimated that $32 million of provincial government tax revenue was generated
Stone, Michael. 1988. Economic Values and Impacts of Freshwater Sport Fishing in British Columbia. Ministry of Environment and Parks. Fisheries Management Report. FMR91
Topic: Fish and Fish Habitats
Keywords: sport, freshwater, fishery, angler expenditures, economics
ISSN: 0705-5390 Scientific Name: 
ISBN: 0-7726-0835-0 English Name: 
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