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Predicting Red Huckleberry Biomass from Plant Dimensions and Percent Cover Nyberg, J.B.
Abstract: The relationships between plant dimensions and biomass were investigated for 113 red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium) plants from three sites on Vancouver Island, BC. Regression equations were calculated for each site relating natural logarithm values of total above-ground biomass, annual shoot biomass, available annual browse biomass, and available browse biomass to several measures of plant size. All regressions were highly significant and explained >70% of the variation in the dependent variables. Minimum basal stem diameter appeared to be the best choice as an independent variable when precision and sampling feasibility were considered. No differences among sites were found in the regressions for total biomass, available browse or available annual browse, but annual shoot regressions differed in elevations (intercepts) among sites. Only 10% of annual shoot biomass was unavailable as deer browse when a conservative estimate of maximum diameter at point of browsing was used, and 67% ot total available br
Nyberg, J.B.. 1985. Predicting Red Huckleberry Biomass from Plant Dimensions and Percent Cover. Ministry of Forests. Wildlife Habitat Research Report. WHR-18
Topic: Conservation & Management (Wildlife, Fish, Plant)
Keywords: red huckleberry, Vaccinium parvifolium, biomass, browse, deer, Vancouver Island
ISSN:  Scientific Name: Vaccinium parvifolium
ISBN:  English Name: Red Huckleberry
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