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Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat Inventory Planning to Meet Land-Based Program Planning Needs in British Columbia (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk) Demarchi, Dennis A.
Abstract: Wildlife and wildlife habitat inventory in British Columbia is designed for multi-scales of both planning and inventory. Planning processes can vary from international (cooperation on grizzly bear management), provincial (Protected Areas Strategy), regional (Land and Resource Management Planning), subregional, landscape unit planning, or forest development planning, to local (operation resource allocation planning). To accommodate that level of complexity many resource inventories have been standardized through the multi-agency Resources Inventory Committee. Most of the ecosystem-based inventories and classifications currently being recommended in British Columbia are not stand alone; in fact, they accommodate portions of classifications or information from many other inventories.
Demarchi, Dennis A., Thomas, Richard P.; Pendergast, Bruce A.. 1999. Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat Inventory Planning to Meet Land-Based Program Planning Needs in British Columbia (in Proc. Conference Biology & Management of Species and Habitats at Risk). Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks; University College of the Cariboo. Conference Biology & ManagementProceedings
Topic: Species and Ecosystems at Risk
Keywords: inventory, Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping, Vegetation Resource Inventory, wildlife habitat planning
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
Other Identifier: University College of the Cariboo
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