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Clayoquot Sound Amphibian Inventory 1997 Wind, Elke
Abstract: The Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel Report on Sustainability (1995) recommended collection of baseline data on biological diversity in watersheds of Clayoquot Sound before land-use practices are decided. The Panel emphasized the importance of tracking vertebrates that are considered to be dependent on old-growth habitat features (e.g. amphibians which associate with coarse woody debris, moist hydroriparian areas, small permanent wetlands). The Panel also advised testing whether their prescribed forest practices (e.g. hydroriparian reserves of different magnitues depending upon stream/wetland features) were sufficient to preserve habitats for old-growth dependent species and their ecological function. The objectives of this study were: (1) to locate and characterize breeding sites at different elevations within Tofino Creek and Clayoquot River watersheds; (2) to compare the incidence of species at breeding sites at different elevations and within different watersheds; (3) to compare the diversity and abundance of species in riparian areas of different habitat types (i.e. harvested ponds versus old-growth ponds and old-growth streams); (5) to characterize terrestrial habitat features associated with amphibians (e.g. the amount of coarse woody debris, percent ground cover of moss, ferns etc.); (6) to compare the efficiency of different sampling techniques that could be used for monitoring amphibian populations over the long term within the rugged terrain and remoteness of Clayoquot Sound; and (7) to provide local residents with the opportunity to gain skills and participate in field work, data collection, preliminary analyses and reporting of the inventory results to local communities.
Wind, Elke, Beasley, Barbara; Newsom, Deanna. 1998. Clayoquot Sound Amphibian Inventory 1997. BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks
Topic: Conservation & Management (Wildlife, Fish, Plant)
Keywords: breeding ponds, inventory, species incidence, northwestern salamander, western redback salamander, red-legged frog, clouded salamander
ISSN:  Scientific Name: Ambystoma gracile, Rana aurora, Plethodon vehiculum
ISBN:  English Name: Western Red-backed Salamander, Red-legged Frog, Northwestern Salamander
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