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Assessment of Changes in Total Phosphorus in Lakelse Lake, B.C.: A Paleolimnological Assessment (March 2002) BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection
Abstract: Sediment cores were retrieved from the north and south basins from Lakelse Lake with a modified K-B corer (internal diameter ~6.35 cm) on February 25, 2002. A 35-cm core was retrieved from the north basin from a depth of ~30 m. A 30-cm core was retrieved from the south basin from a depth of approximately 9 m. All the samples were weighed to determine the total wet weight of sediment prior to subsampling for 210Pb analyses. Twenty intervals for the north and south basins were subsampled for diatoms. The lake appears to have been oligotrophic throughout the past several hundred years. This is evident from the dominance of the oligotrophic planktonic taxon, Cyclotella stelligera, throughout the cores. The recent small increases in percent organic matter without increased sedimentation rates nor inferred increases in phosphorus levels suggests that inwash into the lake has changed recently.
BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection. 2002. Assessment of Changes in Total Phosphorus in Lakelse Lake, B.C.: A Paleolimnological Assessment (March 2002). BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection
Keywords: phosphorous, Lakelse Lake, paleolimnological assessment
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ISBN:  English Name: 
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