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EC Pacific Region / WLAP Data Sharing Agreement BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection; Environment Canada - Pacific and Yukon Region
Abstract: The purpose of the agreement includes: (1) Outline the general terms and conditions of cooperation between the parties in the overall management, sharing and reporting of jurisdictional environmental data and information in accordance with each party’s respective abilities;(2) Foster cooperation between the parties on environmental data management and reporting activities in order to support federal, provincial and joint environmental resource management activities in British Columbia; (3) Ensure more effective availability of environmental data and information to the parties while respecting the inherent scientific value and intellectual property; (4) Provide an enabling framework for seeking greater data sharing and reporting opportunities and for initiating mutually beneficial joint data and information sharing and reporting arrangements; (5) Provide an enabling framework for joint investigation, evaluation and development of data sharing and reporting tools;(6) Provide an enabling framework for seeking
BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection; Environment Canada - Pacific and Yukon Region. 2004. EC Pacific Region / WLAP Data Sharing Agreement. BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection - Environment Canada - Pacific and Yukon Region
Keywords: data sharing agreement
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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