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Guidance for Assessing the Design Size and Operation of Sedimentation Ponds used in Mining Draft BC Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks

Abstract: Contaminated surface runoff from disturbed areas of operating mines is a major source of suspended solids, which can adversely affect the receiving environment around these mines. The disturbed areas are usually large and include such works as the mine pits, benefaction plants and related facilities, mine dumps, tailings ponds roads, ditches, etc. It is the responsibility of each mining company to collect and treat the contaminated runoff fromits operating area before allowing it to be discharged into natural watercourses. Most of the sediment in the contaminated surface runoff should be controlled by various techniques of erosion control, surface runoff control, and reclamation, as outlined in the Mines Regulation Guidelines, and in publications listed in Appendix A to this document.
BC Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks. 2002. Guidance for Assessing the Design Size and Operation of Sedimentation Ponds used in Mining Draft. BC Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks
Keywords: contaminated runoff, sedimentation pond,
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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