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Highlands Lakes Water Quality Assessment 1997 - 2003 Rieberger, Kevin

Abstract: The District of Highlands is located on southern Vancouver Island and offers its residents a unique, rural lifestyle free from commercial development. The Highlands contains a significant portion of greenspace which includes several small lakes. There is a keen interest in the local stewardship of these lakes and volunteers have been quite active in recent years working towards protecting water quality. Data collected by volunteers and Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection staff were assessed to determine the status of water quality for six Highlands Lakes: Fork, Teanook, Third, Pease, Eagles and Mitchell. A wide range of parameters were included with detailed assessment focussing on nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) and bacteria (fecal coliforms). Overall, the results indicated good water quality. Fork Lake had the most extensive data set and the most recent results for measured parameters did not exceed guidelines for the protection of aquatic life and drinking water. The results showed reductions in
Rieberger, Kevin. 2003. Highlands Lakes Water Quality Assessment 1997 - 2003. BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection
Keywords: Highlands, Fork Lake, Teanook Lake, Third lake, Pease Lake, Eagles Lake, Mitchell Lake, water quality
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ISBN:  English Name: 
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