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Evaluation of the Waste Management Permit System Holdstock, John
Abstract: The Waste Management Permit System is the mechanism through which permits and approvals are issued to control, monitor and reduce municipal and industrial waste discharges, as well as the storage of special wastes, as required under the Waste Management Act. Recently, concerns have been expressed about the permit system's cost effectiveness, responsiveness (i.e., turnaround times on permit applications), and consistency of delivery. These issues, among others, prompted the Municipal Waste Reduction and Evaluation and Economics Branches of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks to contract KPMG to conduct an evaluation of the system.
Holdstock, John, Levelton, Paul; Hagarty, David; Reid, Bill; Watson, Rob; Glendinning, Norma. 1995. Evaluation of the Waste Management Permit System. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks
Topic: Solid or Liquid Waste
Keywords: waste management, permits, special waste, evaluation, system
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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