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B.C. Water Resources Service Discharge & Environmental Database (EQUIS) Clark, M.J.R.
Abstract: In close cooperation with the Computer and Consulting Services of the Department of Transport and Communications, the Water Resources Service of the Department of Lands, Forests and Water Resources, Province of British Columbia has developed a sophisticated computer data storage and retrieval system. The information available in the data files handled by this system include inventories of effluent, air emission, and refuse discharges in the Province of British Columbia including legal conditions pertaining to these discharges through the Pollution Control Act 1967 (as amended) plus both government and non-government monitoring data for these discharges. These computer files also contain water quality and air quality data for over 3000 lake, river, marine, ground-water and air sites throughout the province. Development is underway to extend the files to include detailed biological data of a taxonomical nature. The system has the ability to recover, manipulate, graph or summarize the above data in a timely manner and on the basis of jurisdictional boundaries, watersheds, types of industry, geographical location, and sampling agencies. This paper outlines the overall capabilities of this system, which is believed to be as advanced as that in any other North American jurisdiction. The paper also describes an integrated design approach which very likely is unique.
Clark, M.J.R., Ellis, J.D.. 1978. B.C. Water Resources Service Discharge & Environmental Database (EQUIS). BC Ministry of Environment
Topic: Water Quality
Keywords: historical, computer system, data base, EQUIS, environmental data, data tracking
ISSN:  Scientific Name: 
ISBN:  English Name: 
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