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Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area Biopysical Project Report, Maps, Data bases and Management Plan
Ketcheson, Maureen V.
A biophysical analysis and management plan for the Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area was completed by JMJ Holdings Inc. between June 1993 and March 1994. Eighty sample plots were done in sites considered representative of the full diversity of biogeoclimatic subzones, habitat classes and seral stages found within the study area. High elevation areas received less intense sampling than mid to low elevation areas. Five biogeoclimatic subzone variants were identified and subzone mapping by the BC Ministry of Forests was updated. Thirty-six habitat classes were identified and tabled in an expanded biophysical habitat class legend. Up to five seral stages were noted for each habitat class. Management prescriptions tables for each habitat class and seral stage were developed to present habitat suitability for ungulates, habitat enhancement prescriptions, considerations for habitat enhancement activities, red and blue listed species, fur-bearing species, fisheries and forestry activities. Biogeoclimatic subzone variants and habitat classes were mapped at a scale of 1:20,000. Mapping consists of numbered bioterrain polygons and two data bases relating terrain and habitat class to polygon number. Proposed habitat enhancement activities were spatially depicted in a 1: 20,000 scale map. The suitability of each habitat class and seral stage were tabled for feeding and reproductive activities of red and blue listed species thought to occur within the study area. The potential occurrence of fur-bearing species were tabled by habitat class and seral stage. Amount and distribution of coarse woody debris and wildlife trees were tabled by habitat class and seral stage. Generally the amount of coarse woody debris and number of wildlife trees increases with the age of the stand. Forage production is highest in the lower elevation stands within the IDFdm2. The shrub herb seral stage produces the most herbaceous matter, with the young forest seral stage following.
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