Document Details

Managing your woodland: a non-forester's guide to small-scale forestry In British Columbia
Reid, Collins and Associates
This Handbook has been written for non-foresters. Its intent is to make the practice of forestry understandable, profitable and fun. This is a guidebook to the management of sma1l-scale. forest lands in British Columbia - for the production of forest products, and the enhancement of wildlife, fisheries, recreational or aesthetic values. It will provide you with an overview of the steps involved in the practice of forestry, the types of decisions you wi1l need to make, the kind of work to be done, and where you can get help. It will not tell you everything there is to know about forest management, but it will tell you what you need to get started and to take the next steps in managing your woodland.
Report Number
complete document - SIL100
in 3 Parts - SIL100 Part 1
in 3 Parts - SIL100 Part 2
in 3 Parts - SIL100 Part 3

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