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Biodiversity Monitoring For The Prince George Timber Supply Area
Feigl, Franz
The Biodiversity Monitoring Project for the Prince George Timber Supply Area (TSA) is carried out on an annual basis. The current project (2007/08), which covers the period from April 01, 2007 to March 31, 2008, represents the fourth time that Forest Ecosystem Solutions Ltd. (FESL) has been contracted to conduct the analyses. The Prince George TSA covers the following forest districts: ? Fort St. James ? Prince George ? Vanderhoof For 2004/05, 2005/06 and 2006/07, all analyses were based on forest cover inventories (FC1) for the Fort St. James and the Prince George Forest Districts, and on a vegetation resource inventory (VRI) for the Vanderhoof Forest District. While the work plans for the Biodiversity Monitoring projects have called for the development and measurement of a number of indicators as presented in Table 1, the only indicators measured in those three years were the indicators outlined in the Order Establishing Landscape Biodiversity Objectives for the Prince George Timber Supply Area (Order) and its associated Implementation Policy. The indicators covered by the Order are: ? Old Forest ? Old Interior Forest ? Young Forest Patch Size Distribution The main reason for the decision to postpone the development of indicators not covered by the Order was the lack of suitable data. The intention was to create the additional indicators as soon as the VRI for the Prince George TSA would become available. Even though the Phase I VRI for the Prince George TSA was scheduled for completion for 2003 to 2005, depending on Forest District, and the Phase II VRI for 2007 (BC Ministry of Forests and Range, March 2007), the VRI data only became available in the spring of 2008. With the VRI data having become available, the Biodiversity Monitoring Project entered a new phase. For the current year (2007/08), the following plan of action was adopted: ? As in previous years, repeat the analyses using the ?historic? datasets for the indicator covered by the Order, and ? Compile ?new? VRI-based analyses datasets for the three forest districts, and repeat the above analyses, and ? Using the ?new? analyses datasets only, develop additional indicators as outlined in Table 1.This report documents the analysis results of the ?historic? datasets as outlined in bullet one above.Reporting for Biodiversity Monitoring projects is based on the Crown Forest Land Base (CFLB). Methodologies developed provide continuity and the ability to compare the results from one year to the other. A review of the 2006/07 analyses, carried out by ILMB, confirmed the validity of the methodologies.
Report Number
Final Report_April 2009
Final Report March 2009
New Indicator Summaries

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