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Project completion abstract for MacIntyre Creek and Copper River Watershed road deactivation project: Queen Charlotte Islands, Vancouver Forest Region
Golder Associates Ltd.
Overview studies and Stage II assessments and prescriptions have shown the MacIntyre River watershed to be impacted by upslope logging road-related activities. Specifically, peak flows in the mainstem and larger tributaries have been impacted due to concentration of storm water by roads. Prescribed Work: Permanent deactivation with no vehicle access was prescribed for 17 km of eligible road within the watershed. Prescriptions were completed in March and July of 2003. Planned deactivation work included pullback of unstable fillslopes with moderate to high downslope consequence, removal of culverts and restoration of stream banks and channels, cross-ditching to aid in the restoration of hillslope hydrology and re-vegetation of disturbed slopes. Sediment control (silt fencing, check dams, geotextile culverts) was required for works where direct or indirect connectivity to fish habitat existed. Fish exclusion by certified fisheries technicians was required on all fish bearing streams.
Report Number
Project Completion Abstract
Key Plan Map

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