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Longevity and seed yields of native plants grown in cultivation
Burton, Carla
Establishing natural vegetation to control erosion, rebuild the soil and improve the visual appearance of sites degraded after logging is an important aspect of ecosystem restoration. However, the maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem function, wildlife management and aesthetic appeal are also important considerations in the rehabilitation of industrial impacts. The use of native species for purposes of re-vegetation is an important technique in addressing all of these issues, but there is little information regarding their biology or their use for restoration purposes. The research carried out in this project built on a program previously funded by Forest Renewal B.C. (FRBC) Research Program from 1997 to 2001. The goal of the original research was to conduct research on native herbaceous species so that supplies of native grasses and legume seed could be reliably produced for use in restoration across the northern interior of B.C. Carla Burton.
Report Number
Longevity and Seed Yields of Native Plants Grown in Cultivation
Long-Term Effects of Seeding Densities and Fertilization Treatments
Annual Progress Report

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