Reports and References

for Populus tremuloides / Symphoricarpos albus / Poa pratensis (trembling aspen / common snowberry / Kentucky bluegrass)

Reports from BC Conservation Data Centre

BC Community Summary

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Mapped Known Locations

Range Map

Distribution of ecological community based on known occurrence within current mapping of Biogeoclimatic units.

Other Related References

B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations. Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) Map, WHSE_FOREST_VEGETATION.BEC_BIOGEOCLIMATIC_POLY [ESRI ArcSDE format]. Version 9. Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations, Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch, Victoria, B.C. Updated Regularly.


Iverson, K., C. Cadrin, D. Spaeth Filatow, and C. Erwin. 2004. Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory: Central Okanagan, 2000-2001. Volume 2: Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping, Surface Erosion and Slope Stability, and Expanded Legend. Unpublished report. Minist. Environment, Victoria, BC. and Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region.


Lloyd, D., K. Angove, G. Hope, and C. Thompson. 1990. A guide to site identification and interpretation for the Kamloops Forest Region. B.C. Minist. For., Res. Branch, Victoria, B.C. Land Manage. Handb. No. 23. 399pp.


Meidinger, D. 1992. Vegetation classification hierarchy: DBASE September 1992. B.C. Minist. For. Res. Branch, Victoria.


Predictive Ecosystem Mapping [PEM] of the Merritt TSA. December 31, 2002. Prepared for Nicola - Similkameen Inovative Forestry Society, by J.S Thrower and Associates. 1:20 000 spatial data.


Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping [TEM]: Cathedral Provincial Park Bioterrain And Ecosystem Inventory Draft. March 25 1996. Prepared for Judy Miller, BC Parks, Summerland, B.C., by JMJ Holdings Inc., Nelson, B.C. 1:20 000 spatial data.


Cross-Linked Information Resources (CLIR): an umbrella search web application that allows users to use a single window to simultaneously search six provincial environmental and natural resource information e-libraries and provides access to digital documents in these e-libraries.