Reports and References

for Poa macrantha Herbaceous Vegetation (dune bluegrass Herbaceous Vegetation)

Reports from BC Conservation Data Centre

BC Community Summary

Range Map

Distribution of ecological community based on known occurrence within current mapping of Biogeoclimatic units.

Other Related References

B.C. Ministry of Forests and Range. 2006. Biogeoclimatic Subzone/Variant Map [computer file]. 6th edition. Ministry of Forests and Range, Research Branch. Victoria, BC


B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations. 2010. Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order. Victoria, B.C. Available:


Calder, J.A., and R.L. Taylor. 1968. Flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands, Part 1. Can. Dep. Agric. Res. Branch Monogr. 4. 659pp.


Page, N.A. 2003. Community and regional scale patterns of native and exotic plant species in sand beaches of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. M.Sc. Thesis, Univ. of B.C. 79 pp.


Radcliffe, G. and G. Porter. 1992. Naikoon Provincial Park vegetation and biodiversity assessment. Madrone Consultants Ltd. for Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Northern B.C. Region. 77pp.


Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping [TEM] for the Clayoquot Sound Area (Atleo, Bedwell, Bulson River, Catface, Flores Island, Fortune, Hesquiat, Hesquiat Peninsula, Pretty Girl, Sydney River, Tranquil Creek and Ursus Creek study areas). March 1999h. Prepared for Ministry of Forests, Port Alberni Forest District, by Madrone Consultants Ltd., Duncan, B.C., 1:20,000 spatial data.


Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping [TEM] for the Clayoquot Sound Study Area, Year Four. March 2002f. Prepared for the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, Nanaimo Forest District, by Madrone Consultants Ltd., Duncan, B.C. 1:20 000 spatial data.


Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping [TEM] of the Deer Group and Vernon Bay, Vancouver Island, B.C. March 2002d. Madrone Consultants Ltd., Duncan, B.C. 1:20, 000 spatial data.


Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping [TEM] of the Escalante Watershed Unit. March 2002e. Prepared for the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management Coast Region, by Madrone Consultants Ltd., Duncan, B.C. 1:20 000 spatial data.


Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping [TEM] of the Strathcona TSA - Eliza Kaouk Landscape Unit. 2003b. Prepared for Western Forest Products, by B.A. Blackwell and Associates. 1:20 000 spatial data.


Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping [TEM] Report for Effingham River and Toquart Bay. January 2003f. Prepared for Ministry Of Forests Nanaimo Forest District, by Madrone Consultants Ltd., Duncan, B.C. 1:20 000 spatial data.


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