Reports and References

for Populus tremuloides / Philadelphus lewisii (trembling aspen / mock-orange)

Reports from BC Conservation Data Centre

BC Community Summary

Range Map

Distribution of ecological community based on known occurrence within current mapping of Biogeoclimatic units.

Other Related References

Iverson, K. and C. Cadrin. 2003. Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory: Central Okanagan, 2000-2001. Volume 1: Methodology, Ecological Descriptions, Results and Conservation Tools. Technical Report Series No. 399, Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region, British Columbia. 219pp.


Iverson, K., C. Cadrin, D. Spaeth Filatow, and C. Erwin. 2004. Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory: Central Okanagan, 2000-2001. Volume 2: Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping, Surface Erosion and Slope Stability, and Expanded Legend. Unpublished report. Minist. Environment, Victoria, BC. and Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region.


Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping [TEM] of portions of the PPxh1 and IDFxh1 in the Central Okanagan. 2002i. Prepared for the Regional District of the Central Okanagan and the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, by K. Iverson, C. Erwin, C. Sinnemann, L. Lacelle and D. Spaeth Filatow. 1:20,000 spatial data.


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