GATOR Survey Details

Search Criteria: Tube OR Tray #: EPC000956, Filing Location: 216255
Tube or Tray
EPC000956 - 216255
Survey PLAN:
Survey Plan
Plan Type: Mineral Title Plan
LTO Name:
LTO Plan #:
CLSR Plan #:
Surveyor Plan #: K12-051 Ajax Mine
Scale: 10000
Park Code:
Control Survey
Received Date:
Surveyor Name:
Surveyor Status:
Surveyor Firm:
Type Name Class
No Parks are associated with this Survey
Cadastral Surveys
Act Method Confirmed Certified Cancelled Note Surveyor S. Status S. Firm
Mineral Tenure Act Field Survey 07-Dec-2017 Efile: 0888849. Mta Survey Of Various Mineral Claims And Legacy Claims. No Pins Linked To This Plan. Ivan Royan Active Underhill & Underhill