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Report: Habitat Assessment for Dry Forest and Grassland Dependant Birds in British Columbia

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Broad Terrestrial Ecosystem Inventory (BEI) habitat mapping (at 1:250,000) was used to define habitats to be evaluated and Provincial Wildlife Habitat Ratings Standards used to assess the habitat of 26 bird species that when in British Columbia depend on the dry forests and grasslands of the interior of the province for part of their habitat requirements. This study area of this project was the entire province of BC.(Province Wide)

Author:  Dennis A. Demarchi, P. Ag., R.P Bio.; R. Wayne Campbell, O.B.C., R.P. Bio.; Diana Demarchi, B.Sc.

Old Reference Number:  6654

Old Reference System:  BAPID

Date Published:  Feb 2003

Report ID:  1433

Audience:  Government and Public

This project was completed in accordance with the Provincial Wildlife Habitat Ratings Standards Resources Inventory Committee 1999) and was based on the Broad Ecosystem Inventory units (Resources Inventory Committee 2000). The project files include project reports and species accounts. The study area covers the entire province of BC. Habitat potential was evaluated and rated for a number of provincially important bird species that rely on steppe, shrub/steppe, dry forests and surrounding habitats for breeding, rearing of young, feeding, or wintering. Twenty-five species were chosen including ten that live in dry forested habitats and 15 that live in mainly open dry grassland and sagebrush steppe habitats, although many species will use both forested and grassland habitats in order to satisfy part of their life requisites. Wildlife Habitat Ratings (WHR) were developed for the following species: B-BAGO - Barrows Goldeneye, B-FLOW - Flammulated Owl, B-SOW - Western Screech-Owl, B-LEOW - Long-eared Owl, B-LEWO - Lewis Woodpecker, B-WISA -Williamsons Sapsucker, B-GRFL - Gray Flycatcher, B-PYNU - Pygmy Nuthatch, B-NAWA - Nashville Warbler, B-CAFI - Cassins Finch, B-STGR_PR - Prairie Sharp-tailed Grouse B-LBCU - Long-billed Curlew, B-SWHA - Swainsons Hawk, B-RLHA - Rough-legged Hawk, B-STGR_CO - Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse, B-SEOW - Short-eared Owl, B-COPO - Common Poorwill, B-WEBL - Western Bluebird, B-MOBL - Mountain Bluebird, B-SATH - Sage Thrasher, B-BRSP - Brewers Sparrow, B-TISP - Timberline Sparrow; B-LASP - Lark Sparrow; B-GRSP - Grasshopper Sparrow, B-BOBO - Bobolink,and B-WEME - Western Meadowlark.This project was funded by the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund (project 0-251). Tony Button of the Terrestrial Information Branch, Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management was project manager and also provided data management and map production support. Lynne Bonner of the Terrestrial Information Branch, Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management correlated the habitat ratings to comply with the Resources Inventory Committees 1999 British Columbia Wildlife Habitat Ratings Standards.

Report Type
  Terrestrial Information
  Birds - Barrow's Goldeneye: Bucephala islandica
  Birds - Bobolink: Dolichonyx oryzivorus
  Birds - Brewer's Sparrow: Spizella breweri
  Birds - Cassin's Finch: Carpodacus cassinii
  Birds - Common Poorwill: Phalaenoptilus nuttallii
  Birds - Flammulated Owl: Otus flammeolus
  Birds - Grasshopper Sparrow: Ammodramus savannarum
  Birds - Gray Flycatcher: Empidonax wrightii
  Birds - Lark Sparrow: Chondestes grammacus
  Birds - Lewis' Woodpecker: Melanerpes lewis
  Birds - Long-billed Curlew: Numenius americanus
  Birds - Long-eared Owl: Asio otus
  Birds - Mountain Bluebird: Sialia currucoides
  Birds - Nashville Warbler: Vermivora ruficapilla
  Birds - Pygmy Nuthatch: Sitta pygmaea
  Birds - Rough-legged Hawk: Buteo lagopus
  Birds - Sage Thrasher: Oreoscoptes montanus
  Birds - Sharp-tailed Grouse: Tympanuchus phasianellus
  Birds - Short-eared Owl: Asio flammeus
  Birds - Swainson's Hawk: Buteo swainsoni
  Birds - Timberline Sparrow - Spizella breweri taverneri
  Birds - Western Bluebird: Sialia mexicana
  Birds - Western Meadowlark: Sturnella neglecta
  Birds - Western Screech-Owl: Otus kennicottii
  Birds - Williamson's Sapsucker: Sphyrapicus thyroideus
  Region - Province Wide
  Terrestrial Information - Broad Ecosystem Inventory (BEI)
  Terrestrial Information - Habitat Modeling
  Terrestrial Information - Wildlife Habitat Ratings (WHR)

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