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This project includes Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping with a Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory theme and Wildlife Habitat Assessments for the Coldstream Vernon area of the north Okanagan. The mapping was completed in 2007 at 1:20,000 scale and covers portions of mapsheet numbers 082L014, 082L015, 082L024, 082L025, 082L034, and 082L035. The project follows the Standard for Mapping Terrestrial Ecosystems in BC, 1998 and The Standard for Mapping Ecosystems at Risk, 2006
Author: Iverson, K. and P. Uunila
Old Reference Number: 4834
Old Reference System: BAPID
Date Published: Jun 2008
Report ID: 15353
Audience: Government and Public
This project includes Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping with a Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory and Wildlife Habitat Assessments for the Coldstream Vernon area of the north Okanagan. The mapping was completed in 2007 at 1:20,000 scale and covers portions of mapsheet numbers 082L014, 082L015, 082L024, 082L025, 082L034, and 082L035. Three biogeoclimatic variants are mapped, the IDFdm1, IDFmw1 and IDFxh1. The study falls within three Ecosections, the Northern Okanagan Basin (NOB), the Northern Okanagan Highlands (NOH) and the Shushwap Basin (SHB). Wildlife habitat ratings were developed for the following species: Great Basin Spadefoot, Grasshopper Sparrow, Long-billed Curlew, Swainsons Hawk, Western Screech Owl, Yellow-breasted Chat, Badger, Painted Turtle, Northern Pacific Rattlesnake and Gopher Snake. The project follows the Standard for Mapping Terrestrial Ecosystems in BC, 1998 and The Standard for Mapping Ecosystems at Risk, 2006
Report Type
Amphibians & Reptiles - Gopher snake: Pituophis catenifer |
Amphibians & Reptiles - Northern Pacific Rattlesnake: Crotalus oreganos |
Amphibians & Reptiles - Painted Turtle: Chrysemys picta |
Birds - Grasshopper Sparrow: Ammodramus savannarum |
Birds - Long-billed Curlew: Numenius americanus |
Birds - Swainson's Hawk: Buteo swainsoni |
Birds - Western Screech-Owl: Otus kennicottii |
Birds - Yellow-breasted Chat: Icteria virens |
Biogeoclimatic Zone - IDF Interior Douglas-fir Zone |
Mammals - Badger: Taxidea taxus |
Region - Okanagan |
Terrestrial Information - Terrain Mapping |
Terrestrial Information - Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) |
Terrestrial Information - Wildlife Habitat Ratings (WHR) |
Terrestrial Information - Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory (SEI) |