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Ministry and BCCF staff conducted habitat sampling of streams in 2007. Habitat sampling was conducted on Chase River, Colquitz River, Craigflower Creek, Hunts Creek, Little Oyster River, Morison Creek, Whisky Creek and Woodhus Creek.
Author: Tera Kasubuchi; Jenna Cragg; Ministry of Environment; BCCF
Date Published: Dec 2007
Report ID: 16237
Audience: Government and Public
Objectives for the 2007 field season:
i. Investigate habitat in 15 focus streams to identify potential barriers, habitat restoration opportunities, and estimate quantity (linear length) of available habitat.
ii. Refine and ground-truth coastal cutthroat trout habitat distribution model used to identify potential cutthroat trout-bearing reaches (Ron Ptolemy).
iii. Determine adult population size and composition in three rivers (Englishman, Little Qualicum, and Oyster).
iv. Determine juvenile abundance and biomass in selected watersheds through electrofishing.
v. Assess water quality and nutrient limitation in focus streams (Cold, Whisky, Woodhus, Center, Morrison, Hunts, Little Oyster, and Little Oyster-Cranberry farm tributary) for potential nutrient addition projects.
Brown Trout; Chinook Salmon; Chum Salmon; Coho Salmon; Cutthroat Trout; Dolly Varden; Pink Salmon; Pumpkinseed; Rainbow Trout; Smallmouth Bass; Steelhead
Report Type
Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information |
Fish Species - Brown Trout - Salmo trutta |
Fish Species - Chinook Salmon - Oncorhynchus tshawytscha |
Fish Species - Chum Salmon - Oncorhynchus keta |
Fish Species - Coho Salmon - Oncorhynchus kisutch |
Fish Species - Cutthroat Trout (General) - Oncorhynchus clarki |
Fish Species - Dolly Varden Char - Salvelinus malma |
Fish Species - Pink Salmon - Oncorhynchus gorbuscha |
Fish Species - Pumpkinseed - Lepomis gibbosus |
Fish Species - Rainbow Trout - Oncorhynchus mykiss |
Fish Species - Salmon (General) - Oncorhynchus spp. |
Fish Species - Smallmouth Bass - Micropterus dolomieui |
Fish Species - Steelhead - Oncorhynchus mykiss |
Fish Species - Trout (General) |
Region - Vancouver Island |
Fish and Fish Habitat - Channel Assessment |
Fish and Fish Habitat - Fish Inventory |
Fish and Fish Habitat - Stock Assessment |
Watershed Groups - 920 - Vancouver Island (East) Rivers |