Report: Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI): East Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands (includes 2002 Disturbance Mapping)
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The Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory for East Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands completed in 1993-97, mapped seven natural ecosystems and two other ecosystems important for biodiversity. The disturbance mapping used 2002 air photos to identify areas of the original polygons that had been disturbed and attempted to improve mapping of riparian areas. The study area is located on the eastern coastal lowland of Vancouver Island from Campbell River to Sooke, and includes the adjacent Gulf Islands.
Author: Canadian Wildlife Service and BC Ministry of Environment
Old Reference Number: 9914 redigitizing, 4206 original
Old Reference System: BAPID
Date Published: Jun 1998
Report ID: 2124
Audience: Government and Public
The study area is situated in the Nanaimo Lowland (NAL), Southern Gulf Islands (SGI) and Strait of Georgia (SOG) Ecosections and include the Coastal Douglas-fir (CDF) and the Coastal Western Hemlock (CWH) biogeoclimatic zones. The project files available are a project report, two spatial file and a digital map file. Results of this disturbance mapping show a disturbing trend. Over 8,800 ha (11%) of the area occupied by the nine SEI ecosystem types in the early 1990s had been disturbed by 2002. Over 1480 ha of disturbed area had originally been occupied by the seven sensitive ecosystems. Older forests had the highest rate of loss at 8.6% (915 ha) followed by riparian (4.6%), woodland (2.6%) and wetland (2.0%) ecosystems. The largest area of loss was 7,360 ha (16.4%) in the older second growth forest category. Losses due to fragmentation are currently being assessed and will add to these totals.
Report Type
Region - Vancouver Island |
Terrestrial Information - Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory (SEI) |
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