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Report: Fish Habitat Confirmation Assessments East Kootenay Area Project PD15TFE010 CB14-156102

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Masse Environmental Consultants (MEC) was retained by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), British Columbia Timber Sales Kootenay Lake Business Area to complete fish habitat confirmation checks at 31 crossings in the East Kootenay Timber Supply Area. Streams sampled include Joseph, Caven, Bloom, Whickman, Little Sand, Kotsat, North White River, Barrier, Victoria, Tobermory, Weary, Grace, Dry, Todhunter, Grave, Fir, and Negro Creeks.

Author:  Masse Environmental Consultants Ltd.

Date Published:  Oct 2014

Report ID:  49504

Audience:  Government and Public

Masse Environmental Consultants (MEC) was retained by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), British Columbia Timber Sales Kootenay Lake Business Area to complete fish habitat confirmation checks at 31 crossings in the East Kootenay Timber Supply Area. Twenty nine of the sites chosen for habitat confirmation checks were identified as potential high priority restoration sites during a 2012 watershed scale assessment of stream crossing structures (Vast 2013). In addition to these fish confirmation checks, two additional sites were added at the request of BCTS within the Negro Creek drainage, which is a tributary to the Moyie River. Habitat confirmation studies followed procedures provided in the document "A Checklist for Fish Habitat Confirmation Prior to the Rehabilitation of a Stream Crossing" (FPTWG 2011). The main objectives of these fish habitat assessments are to confirm the presence of high value fish habitat, a large amount of habitat gain through remediation and the absence of fish migration barriers immediately downstream of crossings. Preparation before going out to the field as well as field sampling and data collection followed the following steps as outlined in FPTWG 2011.

Report Type
  Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information
  Region - Kootenay
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Enhancement Assessment
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Fish Inventory
  Watershed Groups - 340 - Lower Kootenay
  Watershed Groups - 349 - Upper Kootenay

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