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Report: McNeil Substrate Sampling Program 2015 Summary Report

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Substrate core samples were taken at four index sites from four classified streams in the East Kootenay Region of British Columbia during the winter of 2015. The purpose of this project was to collect and analyse stream substrate material/sediment levels in order to produce trend data valuable in monitoring suitability of stream reaches identified as critical for bull trout spawning.

Author:  K.D. Heidt and J.S. Strong; MFLNRO

Date Published:  Oct 2015

Report ID:  49787

Audience:  Government and Public

The objectives of this study are as follows: (1) To assess the suitability and composition of substrate and fine sediment materials within select bull trout spawning indexes in four primary classified rivers within the upper Kootenay River watershed. The five stream systems included in the previous study were Bighorn Creek (tributary of the Wigwam River), Blackfoot Creek (tributary of the White River), the White River (tributary of the upper Kootenay River), Wigwam River (tributary of the Elk River) and Skookumchuck Creek (tributary of the upper Kootenay River). (2) Provide a potential measure of future impacts to critical bull trout spawning habitat from natural events (i.e. wildfires), resource extraction and additional anthropogenic disturbances. (3) Utilize study data and analysis to predict and/or mitigate impacts to bull trout recruitment and population stability/health (i.e. direct management actions and regulatory regimes) (4) Utilize study data and analysis to inform potential stream rehabilitation efforts to improve recruitment and survivability specific to fluvial and adfluvial bull trout populations in the upper Kootenay River watershed.

Report Type
  Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information
  Fish Species - Bull Trout - Salvelinus confluentus
  Region - Kootenay
  Fish and Fish Habitat - Channel Assessment
  Watershed Groups - 349 - Upper Kootenay

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