Report: Grilse Creek LWD Post Construction
Maintenance and Monitoring,
2016 FWCP COA-F17-F-1189
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The objective of this project was to conduct Routine Effectiveness Evaluations (REEs) on all 18 structures re-built/built in 2014 and to complete all required maintenance. This project will help maintain and evaluate constructed LWD habitats on Grilse Creek used by Coho and Chinook Salmon, steelhead, Cutthroat Trout and Dolly Varden Char.
Author: J. Atkinson
Old Reference Number: COA-F17-F-1189
Old Reference System: FWCP Fish Wildlife Compensation Program - Coastal
Date Published: Mar 2017
Report ID: 52745
Audience: Government and Public
In 2014, the British Columbia Conservation Foundation (BCCF) with funding from the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) re-built 18 Large Woody Debris (LWD) structures in the lowest 4 km reach of Grilse Creek, a headwater tributary of the Salmon River. This project aligns with the FWCP Campbell Salmonid Action Plan under the action to maintain existing constructed habitat enhancements for all salmonids. The objective of this project was to conduct Routine Effectiveness Evaluations (REEs) on all 18 structures re-built/built in 2014 and to complete all required maintenance. This project will help maintain and evaluate constructed LWD habitats on Grilse Creek used by Coho and Chinook Salmon, steelhead, Cutthroat Trout and Dolly Varden Char. On June 22, 2016, Routine Effectiveness Evaluations (REEs) were conducted on all Large Woody Debris (LWD) sites located in Grilse Creek. The 2016 REEs showed that three of the 18 structures had physical deficiencies and required maintenance. Additionally, another three structures had sediment collection in and around the site which caused drying of the structure in low summer flows (a result of river migration). Overall the REEs showed that the majority of the sites were performing as expected or were exceeding expectations, even though the overall REE scores had decreased from the 2015 survey. Required maintenance was completed in August of 2016 on two of the three structures; the third structure required an excavator which was not in the scope of this project. Future monitoring is needed to optimize each structures physical and biological performances.
Report Type
Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information |
Region - Vancouver Island |
Fish and Fish Habitat - Restoration |
Vegetation - Riparian |
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