Report: Mid-Columbia Ecosystem Enhancement Projects
FWCP COL-F17- F-1376
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Over 80 publicly available reports completed in the last 25 years were identified for this project. Resources did not allow for review of earlier literature. An Annotated Bibliography of these documents was compiled and is available on the project webpage located on the Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology website.
Author: C. Pearce
Old Reference Number: COL-F17- F-1376
Old Reference System: FWCP Fish Wildlife Compensation Program - Columbia
Date Published: Mar 2017
Report ID: 54235
Audience: Government and Public
First Nations, community groups and the general public in the Revelstoke area are supportive of on-site stewardship projects to improve ecosystem function and habitats impacted by hydropower facility construction and operations in the Mid-Columbia area (between Shelter Bay and Mica dam). This project compiled the scientific information about these ecosystem and potential projects into an easy to access and understand catalogue format and brought First Nations, community groups, interested individuals, local technical specialists and government experts together to review and enrich this information with traditional and local knowledge, and to build relationships to partner on implementing projects in the future. Over 80 publicly available reports completed in the last 25 years were identified for this project. Resources did not allow for review of earlier literature. The project team scanned a short list of these documents, including original research, project reports and strategic action plans to identify potential projects for the catalogue. An Annotated Bibliography of these documents was compiled and is available on the project webpage located on the Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology website. The complete Listing of Relevant Documents is available from the Project Lead.
A draft catalogue was prepared from this information. The draft was reviewed by the team members, representatives of community partner organizations Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society, North Columbia Environmental Society and the Revelstoke Rod and Gun Club and local agency staff. A refined draft was discussed during a community workshop and field trip in early September 2016. The Kootenay Conservation Partnership provided an informative community presentation in early December 2016 to explain private land stewardship activities in other parts of the Columbia Basin and to explore interest in bringing these approaches to the Mid-Columbia area. The ideas resulting from this discussion are included in the catalogue.
Substantial follow-up with technical specialists was completed after the workshop and evening event to verify new information and finalize the catalogue, which is posted on the project webpage.
All of the original project goals and objectives were met with the exception that the momentum established in the early months of the project towards building relationships for crafting joint project proposals in the future was dampened when the project lead was forced to largely withdraw from the project for periods of time due to personal reasons. Given this outcome, the project lead is committed to continue to foster these relationships on an informal basis going forward.
The catalogue lists 23 potential projects for specific locations within the area and project descriptions were developed for eight more projects that apply to the whole area. The catalogue also includes a listing of additional projects that were suggested during the process. The projects range from very site specific activities, such as oxbow restoration at McKay Creek to broader projects such as a Lake Revelstoke creel survey and area-wide suggestions including low elevation cottonwood forest conservation/re-establishment.
The vast majority of the site-specific projects are located in the Revelstoke Reach upstream to just north of the CPR and highway bridges. Most are located along the Akolkolex River or relate to riparian and wetland habitat enhancement. Recommended actions range from inventories to active habitat enhancement and monitoring. Substantial research and monitoring has been undertaken for this area during the Columbia Water Use Plan studies and a few on-site projects have been completed.
Report Type
Region - Kootenay |
Fish and Fish Habitat - Enhancement Assessment |
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