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Report: ?Akis'nuk First Nation - Final Report: Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program project no. COL-F19-W-2739

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The purpose of this final report is to update the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Board of slashing, piling and burning done between October 2018 and March, 2019 on the Akisqnuk First Nation as part of Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program project no. COL-F19-W-2739.

Author:  Malucelli, A.

Old Reference Number:  COL-F19-W-2739

Old Reference System:  FWCP Fish Wildlife Compensation Program - Columbia

Date Published:  Mar 2019

Report ID:  57447

Audience:  Government and Public

The purpose of this final report is to update the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Board of slashing, piling and burning done between October 2018 and March, 2019 on the Akisqnuk First Nation as part of Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program project no. COL-F19-W-2739. Loss of valley bottom wildlife habitat from BC Hydro dams in the Columbia system has elevated the importance of maintaining productivity of remaining low elevation habitat. The Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) works with Land management agencies and stakeholders to co-ordinate and implement dry forest and grassland habitat restoration on conservation lands and crown land, including both Federal and Provincial in the Rocky Mountain Forest District. These opportunities are operational in nature and may include the development of Ecosystem Restoration Plans, site specific prescriptions, Burn Plans, Pre-Burn Slashing, Slash pile burning, Prescribed Burning and Mastication. The FWCP and the Akisqnuk First Nation developed a partnership to undertake fire-maintained ecosystem restoration on the Akisqnuk First Nation Reserve, as part of the efforts to compensate for habitat losses. The development of the Akisqnuk Wildlife Habitat Restoration Plan in 2011 marked the initiation of the process. This year represents the 7th year of funding going towards actual on the ground treatments. To date, approximately 130 ha of restoration has been successfully carried out. Project objectives are to: a) re-establish historic stand structure and ecological processes to enhance the health and vigour of the ecosystem; b) ensure that wildlife habitat, especially critical ungulate winter range, is maintained in a healthy condition; ensure critical habitat for known Red and Blue listed species, which were historically present, are maintained/restored; c) reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires and associated danger to human values (that is, to ensure any wildfire is within the range of historic variability); d) promote the production of tall, large diameter conifers for both stand structure and wildlife habitat, current and future. Promotion of large diameter stems will ensure that high quality wildlife trees/snags, which are currently in short supply at the landscape level, are available in perpetuity; e) complement and enhance ongoing NDT4 restoration activities within the Rocky Mountain Forest District; and f) minimize/reduce noxious weed infestations and spread. For project no. COL-F19-W-2739, burning was completed on 10 ha of previously thinned forest of units OR2B1(b), along with 8.4 ha of slashing, pilling, and pruning of unit OR2B1(c), all in accordance with the Wildlife Habitat Restoration Plan. Project aligns with FWCP's Upland/Dryland Action Plan and will "Contribute to NDT4 restoration planning and treatments on crown land, conservation lands and within Parks and Protected areas (understory slashing, and/or burning), through the NDT4 Ecosystem Restoration Committees (priority 1)".

Report Type
  Terrestrial Information
  Region - Kootenay
  Terrestrial Information - Restoration
  Program Specific Area - Kootenay Compensation Program

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