Report: Kootenay 2019 Wildlife Tree Creation Project
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A habitat enhancement project to increase Wildlife Trees in areas with short supply but with high habitat capability for cavity-dwelling wildlife present.
Author: Todd Manning
Date Published: Dec 2019
Report ID: 57879
Audience: Government and Public
Wildlife trees provide critical nesting, denning, roosting, feeding and perching habitat to over 70 species of birds, mammals and amphibians in British Columbia. These include some species which are considered at risk provincially and federally. Dependent on the age, condition and disturbance history of the forested landscape, wildlife trees can be in short supply in some areas. This is the case at the 2019 treatment sites located in the east and west Kootenay region of southeastern BC in Corn Creek, Marl Creek and Wycliffe, BC. These areas all have high habitat capability for cavity-dwelling wildlife but currently lack complex stand structural attributes and a sufficient supply of wildlife trees in moderate-advanced stages of decay. Increasing stand structural complexity and old growth forest-like attributes, including the abundance of wildlife trees are recommended objectives for these areas.
Report Type
Region - Kootenay |
Program Specific Area - Kootenay Compensation Program |
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