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To determine the success of previous works and to improve the effectiveness of future
restoration/enhancement projects, BCCF conducted effectiveness evaluations on a majority
of habitat restoration and enhancement projects completed on Vancouver Island since 2000.
Author: Silvestri, S.; BC Conservation Foundation
Date Published: Jun 2004
Report ID: 5849
Audience: Government and Public
With support from the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (MWLAP), the Habitat
Conservation Trust Fund (HCTF) and other partnerships, the British Columbia Conservation
Foundation (BCCF) has completed numerous habitat restoration and enhancement projects
on Vancouver Island since 2000. To determine the success of previous works and to improve the effectiveness of future
restoration/enhancement projects, BCCF conducted effectiveness evaluations on a majority
of projects completed since 2000, including:
Big Qualicum River riffle enhancements (2000);
Little Qualicum River LWD and boulder riffle enhancement (2002 and 2003);
Englishman River LWD and boulder riffle enhancement (2003);
Sproat Lake outlet spawning gravel placement (2002);
Toquart Lake outlet spawning gravel placement (2002);
Stewart Lake outlet spawning gravel placement (2002);
Elk Falls Canyon (Campbell River) spawning gravel placement (2002);
Lens Creek (San Juan watershed) side-channel spawning gravel placement (2002);
Dickson Lake (Ash River) outlet spawning gravel placement (2003);
Second Lake (Nanaimo River) outlet spawning gravel placement (2003);
South Nanaimo River spawning gravel placement (2003); and,
San Juan watershed nutrient enrichment (2003). Monitoring techniques for all fish habitat restoration works followed those identified in
Guidelines for In-Stream and Off-Channel Routine Effectiveness Evaluation. Evaluations of installed LWD and boulder-riffles determine each sites physical
(structural) and biological performance.
LWD and boulder riffle sites constructed on the Big Qualicum River (2000), Little Qualicum
River (2002 and 2003) and the Englishman River (2003) were evaluated. Site descriptions
for each constructed habitat included reach, chainage from a known location, site
identification number, structure type and site objective(s). For physical performance, each
site was rated on how well it met design objectives, including creation or
maintenance of pool and/or riffle habitat, and/or protection of stream banks, supplying stream
cover, and an overall rating. Biological performance objectives assessed included how well
each site supplied overwintering, rearing and holding habitats for fish of all species.
Report Type
Fish and Aquatic Habitat Information |
Biogeoclimatic Zone - CWH Coastal Western Hemlock Zone |
Fish Species - Chinook Salmon - Oncorhynchus tshawytscha |
Fish Species - Chum Salmon - Oncorhynchus keta |
Fish Species - Coastal Cutthroat Trout - O. clarki clarki |
Fish Species - Coho Salmon - Oncorhynchus kisutch |
Fish Species - Cutthroat Trout (General) - Oncorhynchus clarki |
Fish Species - Dolly Varden Char - Salvelinus malma |
Fish Species - Pink Salmon - Oncorhynchus gorbuscha |
Fish Species - Rainbow Trout - Oncorhynchus mykiss |
Fish Species - Salmon (General) - Oncorhynchus spp. |
Fish Species - Steelhead - Oncorhynchus mykiss |
Region - Vancouver Island |
Fish and Fish Habitat - Enhancement Assessment |
Fish and Fish Habitat - Management |
Watershed Groups - 920 - Vancouver Island (East) Rivers |
Watershed Groups - 930 - Vancouver Island (West) Rivers |