Report: Land Management Operations Project 2019-20 Activity Report FLNRORD - FWCP Section COL-F20-W-3011-DCA
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The Land Management Operations Project includes the coordination, oversight and implementation of Land Management activities associated with conservation held lands. Delivery methods include in-house participation, contractors on Ministry held properties and contribution agreements with non-governments organizations, such as The Nature Trust and The Nature Conservancy of Canada. The Guardian Watch Program, a partnership between local First Nations, FWCP and FLNRORD, was initiated in 2019.
Author: Kersti Vaino
Old Reference Number: COL-F20-W-3011-DCA
Date Published: Mar 2020
Report ID: 59025
Audience: Government and Public
The Land Management Operations Project includes the coordination, oversight and implementation of Land Management activities associated with conservation held lands. Delivery methods include in-house participation, contractors on Ministry held properties and contribution agreements with non-governments organizations, such as The Nature Trust and The Nature Conservancy of Canada. The Guardian Watch Program, a partnership between local First Nations, FWCP and FLNRORD, was initiated in 2019. Activities conducted on conservation lands in 2019 consisted largely of invasive species removal efforts. At the Duncan-Lardeau conservation areas this included a survey of invasive plants for comparison with results from 2016. An effectiveness assessment of the burdock control program was also conducted, in addition to on-going burdock control efforts by a local crew. The annual FLNRORD invasive species crew mapped and treated 20 invasive plant species at 13 different sites including conservation areas and ecological restoration units. The Guardian Watch Program members provided monitoring and public education in conservation areas, in addition to surveys and removal of invasive species. Slashing was completed in conservation areas to improve the abundance and vigor of ungulate browse species.
Report Type
Region - Kootenay |
Terrestrial Information - Restoration |
Watershed Groups - 300 - Columbia |
Program Specific Area - Kootenay Compensation Program |
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