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Report: Analysis of Current Groundwater Use in the West Coast Region

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A desktop study was completed to estimate groundwater demand by water use purpose and aquifer, and to estimate the number of properties which may require groundwater licences, for water management precincts within the West Coast Region of British Columbia.

Author:  Tim Bennett, Ismena Bystron, Pat Lapcevic, Megan Wainwright, and Tommy Diep

Date Published:  Jan 2021

Report ID:  59035

Audience:  Government and Public

This study is an update of a previous study completed in 2015 to gain an understanding of groundwater usage in the West Coast Region in advance of new Water Sustainability Act (WSA) requirements for groundwater licensing of non-domestic users. Pertinent information was compiled and integrated from a variety of data sources including: BC Assessment Authority Data (parcel/property information), municipal water service areas, groundwater and surface water licences, Island Health water supply system data, inventory of land-based aquaculture (hatcheries) facilities, registered groundwater wells, and mapped aquifers. In this study, an inferred groundwater user was defined as a groundwater user on an occupied lot with one or more registered wells and no other identified source of water (e.g., outside of a municipal water source and does not have an existing surface water licence). A potential groundwater user was defined as a groundwater user on an occupied lot that does not have any registered wells, and no identified alternate water source (e.g., outside of a municipal water source and does not have an existing water licence). The study results indicate there are 3,306 inferred groundwater users potentially requiring groundwater licences within the West Coast Region. These groundwater users include 2,775 individual non-vacant, non-residential lots with registered wells and no other identified water source (out of 307,000 lots within the Region). An estimated additional 513 and 18 transitioning groundwater licences may be expected for water supply systems and aquaculture, respectively. Over 90% of the anticipated number of groundwater applications are in the following five water management precincts: Nanaimo, Victoria, Duncan, Shawnigan and Courtenay. Over 50% of these applications would be expected to be for agricultural uses.

Report Type
  Region - Vancouver Island
  Water Information - Groundwater
  Water Information - Water Management

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